
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Make Way for The Ducklings!

Finding the extraordinary amidst the ordinary.

Today was an ordinary day.  I dropped the kids off at Junior Guards, then headed to have the oil changed in the car.  Finished up at the auto shop and then headed for home.

On the way home the lane of traffic I was in came to a sudden halt.  I tried switching lanes, and then also promptly stopped.

Crossing the street was a proud momma duck with her precious 9 ducklings.  They looked so small and helpless clustered close behind their momma.  They were headed to the local park.

I grabbed my cell phone to take a photo of this worthy sight.

As the momma came to the curb, she hopped up with ease and continued into the park.  The babies, not able to jump the curb, began hopping.  There was no way they would make the curb.  They continued hopping.  Unbeknownst to them, they were directly in front on the storm drain.

Suddenly, at once seven of them fell straight into the storm drain.  The lady in the car next to me hopped out to help the one left, but before she could reach it, it too fell in.

I rolled my window down (and yes, between the two of us we had completely stopped traffic) and looked at her with shock.  I then asked, "What do we do with this?"

She asked if we should call Animal Control.  I agreed and we both proceeded to make the call.

When I spoke to the Animal Control agent they reported another person had called also and they were sending someone out.

I headed back to the storm drain where we found our fellow animal lovers waiting for Animal Control. I told her I had to leave to pick up our kids, but I'd be back.

Momma Duck pacing and quacking for her littles.

She stood over the storm drain quacking and they'd chirp back.

I was afraid she might get hit as she continued to check on her babies.

A Mother's Love!
I came back after picking up our kids and found the Animal Control trucks on site.

The other mom with her girls had waited the WHOLE time along with the momma duck.  How precious is that?!?!

While they waited Domino's pizza even stopped by and sold them a pizza.

The rescue workers were able to save all nine ducklings and deliver them further into the park.  Before turning the over to the Momma Duck, they let the girlies who so diligently waited for help hold a few of the babies.

Rescue worker working alongside Momma Duck and Kids

They're Safe!

I'm so encouraged by the care shown by this mom and her girls.  I'm glad they waited and I LOVE that our wonderful city, Huntington Beach, cares about the little things in life.  And I love that the LOVE a mother duck has for the littles is like the love I have for my littles.

All of those involved made this ordinary day simply EXTRAORDINARY and I thank you!


  1. Anonymous1:41 AM

    I saw this on Facebook. Thanks for stopping! I'm glad they turned out all right. Thanks for sharing and brightening my day. :)

  2. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Too bad Dominoes didn't donate the pizza -- they were after all, feeding rescue workers! Great story; love the pix!
