
Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Couponing Update: The Easter Score

A couple months ago a friend held a "Couponing" gathering at her home.  She had mountains of "Freebies" piled up in display around our meeting area.  She took us on a tour of her stashed finds.  She inspired us to conquer our couponing fears and take hold of the world of free, or close to free, goods.

I sat a bit overwhelmed as she laid the groundwork of "How To's."  I knew it could be done, but where to even begin.

She emailed us weekly updates to the local sales, but to be honest for the first month or so I either ignored them or looked at them with glossed over eyes. Deciphering them was like reading a code or foreign language.

Finally one Sunday, she invited me to accompany her to CVS.  I was her apprentice. We circled the aisles with our mini-carts.  I really felt like we were "play shopping" at CVS.  She showed me how to scan the card, read the deals, match the coupons, etc.

After CVS, we headed to Walgreen's.  Walgreen's is for the experienced couponer. There's is tricky business, but worth it if you figure it out.

I've just returned from my second solo trip to Walgreen's.  I'm venturing out and trying to get acquainted with the Walgreen's nuances.  I haven't mastered it as I didn't bundle my purchases correctly today so I missed out on using a couple of my rebate coupons.

Even without the last couple rebate coupons, my total bill was only $9.02.

I purchased:

3 Hershey's bunnies for Easter
3 Bags of Whopper Robin Eggs for Easter
2 Boxes of Bisquick (20 oz)
2 Cans of Blue Ribbon Almonds
2 Bags Jet Puffed Marshmallows
2 Containers of Ocean Spray Juice
2 Tubes of Colgate
2 Packages of Dentyne Ice

I also received a $3 coupon to use on my next purchase.

My receipt read my Walgreen's savings = $27.15 and I had $22.64 in manufacturer's coupons!

So, Easter goodies are taken care of.  We can make some Krispie Treats to share with others for the holiday.  We can make little bird nests with the eggs.  I don't care for Bisquick and haven't bought it for probably 10 years, but my man likes it since he was raised with it.  The juice is a treat since I never buy juice.  We always need toothpaste.  AND...I have a DATE tonight with my man so the Dentyne will come in handy.

So I think the moral of the story is...stick with it and figure it out.  It's worth it!

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