I love our kids. More than life itself.
Before I was a mom, I knew I would dedicate my life to raising up godly, respectful, blessed children. If being a MOM was a recipe I knew the main ingredient would be LOVE.
With each child, I gave them a song during my pregnancy. Our oldest son's song is "Blessed" by Elton John. Drawing from the lyrics of the song, I knew he'd be blessed; I'd give him my best; I promised him that.
When you commit to raise children, promising to give them your best, you make choices and sacrifices along the way. I can't say I know how they will turn out as adults, but it is my desire to raise kids who are different. By different I mean they don't fit in the "teenager" box or the "terrible two's" box or whatever other box the world wants to put them in. Too often the world wants to place our kids a box. It is our hope that they are who God says they are. They are gifts packaged by God, different from any other kid who has hit this earth! I'm honored to be given the gift of being their mom.
Parenting = Leaning heavily on God and His Word. My plan in parenting was simple: pour vast amounts of love on our kids, correct self-centered behavior and teach them compassion for others. Along the way, in addition to love and compassion we hoped to teach them honor, respect, courtesy, kindness, generosity and more. We acknowledge their gifts and celebrate the way God made them.
There are times I look at them completely honored. Now I'm the one who is blessed.
Last night, our kids displayed their kindness, compassion and caring hearts.
I'm not sharing this to blow my own horn, but to celebrate what I see as the "different" behavior I had hoped and prayed for.
The kids accompanied me to the CrossFit gym for my workout. They are so patient! They've endured countless hours at the gym waiting.
Last night's workout consisted of:
3 Rounds
800 meter run carrying 35 pound weight
3 rope climbs up a 15 foot rope
12 thrusters (I did 55 pounds)
So they wouldn't be bored, I suggested they run with me. They love to workout, and jumped at the opportunity.
I found carrying 35 pounds while running is really tough. Actually, it was more of a shuffle. Our kids are incredible encouragers. Throughout the run, they consistently repeated, "Go, Mom! You're doing great!"
I forgot to mention we were running in the dark. I make it a practice to never run alone in the dark. I've mentioned numerous times about safety while running; running alone in the dark is not a good idea.
I have a friend, Suzie, who attends the gym at the same time. Suzie is incredible. She's made amazing progress! She was running alone last night when I was with the three kids. I noticed during round two of the workout, our younger two kids were close to my side, but my oldest was holding back. I sensed he was keeping tabs on Suzie making sure she was okay.
By round three, he was jogging alongside her offering encouragement. He finished round three with her.
When she walked in, she breathlessly said, "You're kids are awesome."
This melted my heart.
He is different.
How many teenage boys would hold back not looking to run for their own glory, but to ensure the 40-something made it in safely?
His heart is HUGELY kind and compassionate!
I love that!
I didn't tell him to run with Suzie. He just did it.
Developing your child's character isn't something you set out on a weekend to build. It's something that takes place everyday as you invest in your kids. It takes time, patience, and diligence. It's not easy, but so worth it! Be encouraged!
I read this quote the other day and it seems applicable:
Apples don't fall far from the tree. Your children are a reflection of you and Mike.