Friday, December 02, 2011
Homeschool Resource Periodic Table
Our oldest son is studying Physical Science this year. We've recently begun learning about atoms, molecules and chemical formulas. As mentioned earlier, teaching science is not one of my strengths. We just did an experiment the other day on water as a solvent. If you need a visual, science and I are more like water and oil. We don't mix, but sometimes we can go well together and make a GREAT dressing! I blend up what I learn, pour it on our kids and they seem to thrive and understand. Moreover, I'm so grateful for a well-written, easily understood science curriculum- Apologia. I'm also grateful when I stumble across a science resource that is informative and interesting. I hope the kids like this one!
Before I share a Periodic Table find, I have to share a funny story. A couple weeks ago my hub happened to be home from work for the morning. The kids and I were reading about chemical formulas and elements on the Periodic Table. We were discussing protons, neutrons and electrons. After about 15 minutes, my oh-so-awesome, stylish, spiky hair, absolutely adorable hub (who happens to have a degree in Chemistry) enthusiastically walks in the room and shares some brain-a-licious Periodic Table information with us. To be honest, we weren't completely grasping what he was sharing. He then quietly left and went back to his work.
Our brown-eyed middle son, with the cutest look on his face then affectionately whispers, "He's such a little nerd."
We all laughed, not to be mean, but we all recognize underneath the stylish, athletic exterior lies a GREAT mind of a brainiac. I used to tell my sweetheart, while we were in college, he's the cutest nerd to ever walk the chemistry halls. Love that!
Anyway, back to the Periodic Table find. Thanks to The Homeschool Resource of the Day from Homeschool Freebie of the Day we found three GREAT Periodic Table Resources.
Dynamic Periodic Table: It's a Wikipedia resource. Click on the element and learn all about it.
The link:
The Periodic Table of Videos: I like this one because there are short, 4-5-minute videos displaying the element and showing the properties of it. Very interesting!
The link:
The Comic Book Periodic Table: This might be a popular find among the comic book fans. It doesn't necessarily tell you much about the element, but does give an example where and when the comic mentioned the element. This makes for fun trivia to add to a chemist's knowledge.
The link:
The Photographic Periodic Table: This resource has photos of the element and informative tidbits of information about the element.
The link:
If you haven't yet checked out Homeschool Freebie of the Day, it is worth your while. There are great downloads and resources.
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