
Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Desires of Our Heart

May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.  Psalm 20:4

Sparkle shoes have been the most frequently visited topic-of-the-week around our home.  I have a little girlie who has plans to be Dorothy for Halloween and she's locked in on sparkle shoes.  When she sets her mind on something, it's a countdown until the day her wishes come to fruition.  She's not too particular on the color, they just need to sparkle.

We've looked at many stores and either they don't have her size, or the sparkle shoes are just too much money. 

The other night, I had a couple extra minutes without the kids, so I ran to the Goodwill looking for plain white plates to do a craft project my girlie also has her mind set on.  I walked down the aisle toward the dishes and sitting right on top of a rack was a brand new pair of sparkle shoes in her size for $5!  I was so excited!  I knew she would be elated to see them.

I brought them home and showed them to her.  She slipped them on, and just like Cinderella's shoes, they fit perfectly!  She pranced around the house a bit and then began to tell me how she'd be able to wear them with various outfits.

I don't believe in "Name it and claim it" theology, but I do believe God delights in giving us the desires of our hearts, just as I delighted in bringing home the sparkle shoes to see my girlie's face light up.  He knew how much joy a pair of sparkle shoes would bring us.  I think back on past posts like The Little Things in Life or In Your Light where God sends us just what we need to bring a smile to our faces and joy in our hearts.  Perhaps He just sends us these little gifts to remind us He's thinking of us and loves us.

Today, may you be reminded how Loved You Are!

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