
Friday, August 26, 2011

The Memorial- Angela

Missing this Face!

Today was Angela's memorial.  It was the most beautiful, heartfelt, touching and inspiring memorial I've ever attended.  Honestly though, I'm still numb to the reality that she's no longer here.

Hearing her friends, family, her boys and her husband share stories about her left me feeling encouraged to be a better wife, mom, mentor, prayer warrior and friend.  Even though she's no longer here with us she's still bringing out the best in everyone.

Some of the stories were funny.  Some were reflective.  Some were lively.  Many shared how Angela consistently spoke her mind.  She was honest and bold.  Loved that!  Stories from her boys were precious.  They loved their momma in so many ways!  Hearing from her little 8 year old brought sobs.  He never ceased hoping his momma would be healed.  She is now whole and healed, just not here. 

I'm so glad she chose to homeschool her boys.  She had more time with them than many moms ever experience.  She not only taught them intellectual material, she taught them to be godly leaders and great men.  What an amazing mom!  Her boys reflect the upbringing they received.  She would have been so proud of them today.  I'm sure somehow she knows and heard their heartfelt reflections.

I've never seen a couple like Angela and her husband.  They were so in love.  So many people commented on their oneness.  What they shared as husband and wife many couples strive for.  They shared 26 beautiful years of marriage.  And today I learned they met, were engaged 28 days later and married 8 months later.  It was a blessed marriage.

Reed sang a song for his beautiful bride today- "I Can Only Imagine"

Angela gave so much of herself to her family and friends.  Her love for Christ was always apparent.  She was definitely a humble servant and I'm sure when she crossed over from this world, Jesus met her and said, "Well done, good and faithful servant."  Apparently, hours before her death, her eyes opened wide, she looked up and reached upward.  I'm sure there were angels awaiting and greeting her at Heaven's gate.

She was a giver.  She gave of her time.  She gave of her resources.  She reached out to many and gave whatever she could.  We learned today, she wanted to be an organ donor, but because cancer overtook her body she didn't think she could.  The day following her death, her husband received a call from the coroner's office.  They asked if she would have liked to have her corneas donated.  Apparently, the coroner said it is the one part of the body that is still suitable for organ donation following death of a cancer patient.  Her family agreed to donate.  Angela continues to give.  Because of this selfless giving, two people will probably receive sight.  

Did I mention she was amazing?

Her family has set up the Angela Robinson Memorial Fund for donations.  At the sight you can see additional photos of this precious woman and her wonderful family.

We will continue to remember this dear friend. 

Angela consistently reminded me to slow down.  Her words are on the forefront of my mind.  It is my desire to slow down, spend more time with family and friends, simplify and take more photos.  Angela, I'm working on it.

Miss you girl!

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