
Friday, May 20, 2011

The Great Clean Out Commences!

It's so easy as a homeschool mom/stay-at-home to become lax when it comes to my appearance.  There was a time when I wore sweats just about everyday.  I wore them in hopes of getting a workout in, but after time they became like a uniform.  Wake up, put on the sweats.  Along with the sweats, on a given day, I may not put on make-up or fix my hair beyond the ponytail, unless I have to leave the house.  If I have to leave, I may put on mascara, or maybe just sunglasses.

There are seasons when things get a little better, like after I read The Hot Mom's Handbook.  After reading this book, I was going to commit to do better.  I cleaned out a lot of the old, worn out clothing, lost some weight, started working out regularly (not just pretending by wearing the workout clothing).  It was a change for the better.

Since moving to Southern California, I initially made some fashion leaps, which pleased our daughter, but yesterday I realized I'm settling in my old ways again. 

I have to first mention our daughter is a "Fasionista!"  She's pulls together unique combos, as we call them, every day.  She dresses in cute outfits, accessorizes and fixes her hair in fancy do's.  She does her hair on her own, side ponytails, braids, etc. 

Don't get me wrong, I can pull it together if necessary, but often times, I don't.  Like yesterday. 

I went to the gym in my 100 year old (yes, I'm exaggerating, it makes for a better story) men's soccer shorts and Chickie and Pete's men's t-shirt.  I felt comfortable and I was just going to get all sweaty.  What's the problem with looking frumpy?  When I got to the gym I noticed my fellow gym mates in their Lululemon or equally cute girls' workout clothing, I began to get a little self-conscious.  I'm not saying cave to peer pressure or try to keep up with the Jones', but I have the Lululemon clothing at home.  I just, out of habit, put on the junkies because they were there.

Last Christmas, my sweet husband and my grandma bought me a number of Lululemon pieces to improve my workout collection and I still choose to wear the junkies.

Last night after the time at the gym, I was talking with my precious daughter.  Note, she was wearing white leggings, a cute blue/white striped Nautical dress, and sunglasses.  We had to go to Target.  While at Target we started talking about my lack {at times} of fashion sense.  She patiently listened and then with the wisdom of an 8-year old, told me that I needed to dress like her.  She would help me put it together.  Love her!  I then committed to get rid of the frumpy and/or unflattering clothing. 

Today we'll spend some time cleaning out drawers.  I have my fashion consultant to help.  Happy homeschooling.

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