
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Hittin' the Road

This Christmas we've become a Band Hero, Beatles singing Rock Band kind of family. We've rotated through the vocals, guitars, and drums. We've taken tutorials, and refined our voices (ha!). We've reminisced on great songs of days gone by and how old we were when they were popular.
I feel like an accomplished parent.
I've exposed the kids to one of my favorite bands, The Beatles, thanks to the Wii game Gommer gave them for Christmas. We've listened to Yellow Submarine countless times and I don't think the kids are tiring of it. I've never played so many video-type games for so long in my whole life!! I feel completely unaccomplished, but totally satisfied that our crew has had one of the best Christmas's ever. They have played and played to their hearts content, or so I would think, but our middle son with big, brown eyes reassured me that he still has more left in him to play.
We've sang Taylor Swift's hits many a time and our girlie is asking that we do it "One more time." And who could forget my rendition of Culture Club's, "Do You Really Want to Hurt Me?"
Our oldest son said we'll probably be apologizing to the neighbors tomorrow. Let's hope they didn't hear! I can wish!
My voice, and not so good a one, is tired, my drumming foot is tired, my guitaring fingers and forearms are tired. I think it's time to call it a night...
Time to go round up the Band Heroes...try to tear them away from some Jesse McCartney.
Wish me luck...

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