
Saturday, January 24, 2009

This Week-Book Club Magician's Nephew

Each of our kids has their own club, our youngest has her Craft Club and the boys each have a book club (different book, different group of boys).
The boys meet 2 weeks out of each month. This week was our middle son's book club meeting.
His group is reading The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis. They are responsible for reading about 3 chapters prior to club and answering the worksheets I give them. When we meet we go over their answers and then do an activity related to the homework/reading.
This week we read the chapters where Digory, Polly, the cabby, the witch, Uncle Andrew and a horse all travel to the Wood Between the Worlds. To comfort those involved the cabby begins to sing a hymn. I loved that and decided the kids would learn about the history of a couple of hymns.
This past Christmas my mom gave the kids 2 books Hymns for a Kid's Heart Volumes 1 & 2 by Bobbie Wolgemuth and Joni Eareckson Tada. We read about Redinald Heber who wrote Holy, Holy, Holy and Fanny Crosby who wrote To God Be the Glory.
Many churches sing worship songs, but hymns seem to be a thing of the past in our church. But the words and background of the hymns are both heartwarming and inspiring.
I hope to continue learning and teaching our kids about the authors of these hymns. They are great stories of how God touched regular people for an eternal purpose.

1 comment:


    Each of these clips have mini bios on the hymn writer. They were a part of the series Mark preached on last year called "The Rebel's Guide to .....".

    I thought you may be interested in checking them out. The whole series is amazing by the way.

    You are such a good mom Kim! You inspire me.
