
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I'd Hate to be a Postman or a UPS Driver This Week

We didn't have mail delivery yesterday. The roads leading to our house are a mess of packed snow, ice and more packed snow and ice. Once you get to the state maintained road you're fine, but there's about a 2 mile stretch of misery.
It's about 9pm and the doorbell just rang. I went to the door and saw in the distance the poor UPS man trudging back to his van. In normal winter weather I've seen the UPS trucks chain up and they seem to get around fairly well. But the fact that our normal UPS deliveries occur around 4-5pm I knew this poor Man In Brown was not having a good day. I shouted out, "I was wondering how you guys were doing." He turned around and in a frustrated voice said, "Not Good."
As I shut the door I wish I had something prepared for him to wish him a Merry Christmas despite the miserable conditions.
Tomorrow I'll be more prepared! I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of a NEW COMPUTER and some type of delivery company may need to come to our home. I'm also waiting for the missing Christmas cards I ordered. So if you haven't gotten a card from us yet, you know why.
I've been reminded to take a moment to thank the delivery people who do so much for us on a daily basis. I've heard people who haven't had garbage pick-up because it's not safe for the trucks to travel the roads. I bet they're missing their garbage men right about now.
Thank those special people in your world.

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