
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wrapping Up the School Year

It's been a busy time around our household lately! So many of the year's activities are coming to a close.

Dear Husband coached both boys soccer teams this spring. Needless to say many of our Saturday's were spent on the soccer field. It was a strange spring with snowed-out games and frigid temperatures. Too bad Global Warming hasn't hit our neck of the woods. Our number 2 son was proud to have played a game in the snow-that's a claim even his dad hasn't had a chance to experience. So we're almost done with soccer. Regular season is over and now we're only looking at a tournament.

Our home school co-op is now on break for the summer too. We celebrated our end of the year event/graduation last Friday. I taught all three quarters this year. It was really fun! I finished the year teaching a cooking class to younger kids. They did a great job!

Our youngest was able to join co-op for the last quarter. She took a science class and came to a few of my cooking classes. The boys finished up with the following classes...Legos, Germlish (German), and Fitness. We love our co-op family!

Tonight was the official end of AWANA. We had a leadership appreciation dinner. Last week the kids participated in an AWANA Grand Prix. We made a Wii Controller shaped car. It did well the first round, but didn't do so well the second round. It must have been a graphite thing-couldn't have been the sleek car.

Also today, we had the end of the year Preschool Picnic. I can't believe our baby is going to be a real life school girl. Hello Reading, Writing and Arithmetic!

So our calendar is freeing up a bit for a couple of days... but don't blink, it'll be filled soon enough.

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