
Thursday, February 23, 2012

What's Your Impact?

Throughout your busy day, are your thoughts constantly wrestling with the multitude of philosophical questions plaguing society? I grapple consistently with so many topics bouncing around my overactive brain.  Perhaps, my obsessive tendencies cause me to return to these questions, or perhaps I just want to know the answers.  The world gives us one answer to life's questions, but God gives us a much different answer.  His Word tells us:
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:8-9

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

For My Facebook Friend

Truth is... I really like Facebook.

Facebook has brought friendships that I never dreamed I'd have.  I have found common interests with so many unexpected people.

One Facebook friend whom I've never met in person is a gal who attended the same church we did in Washington.  I know her kids through AWANA back in the days when I was a leader.  She's an amazing woman and momma to 5 kids, most adopted.  She's also a single mom.  She's home schooled.  I admire her in so many ways!

Where is Home?

Where is HOME to you?

Where are your roots?


These are questions often asked.

Makes me think and wonder...Where is my home?

Do we have a home? or a hometown?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Cookies in a Jar Valentine Style

Cookies in a Jar Valentine Style

Finished Product

Looking for a fun and affordable gift to give on Valentine's Day?  Here's an option from Bakerella via A Little Delightful.

Valentine's Day Chocolate Dipped Shortbread Hearts

Cookie Love.

There are a couple cookies I make every Valentine's Day- Chocolate Dipped Shortbread Hearts and Giant Oatmeal Raisin Cookies.  

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Paleo West African Pork Stew

The cookbook I'm currently spending a week in is The Whole Hog Cookbook by Libbie Summers.  Of course, as timing goes, a photo of the mistreatment of little piggies is making the Facebook rounds.  Just before I began typing this post, I checked my Facebook page and saw a posting of poor piggies.  Apparently they were being prepared to be shipped, in China.  That little piggie was going to market, but not in a good way.  Sad.

The Most Interesting Thing I Learned This Week...Jan. 23-27, 2012

Science and science experiments prove to be the most interesting aspects of learning for the kids.


Water is denser than oil.